Presentation Tips
First time presenting? Not to worry; we have some tips to help get you started!
Presentations should be no longer than five minutes in length and should include the following topics:
What is the name of the organization? Where is the organization located?
What is the mission of the organization? What purpose does the organization serve? (who, what do they do, how do they do it)
Focus on a specific program for the funding request. How would the donation from 100 Women SGT benefit individuals and families within our communities? Help us to visualize the program and its impact, so we understand how the additional funding will make a difference.
If other charities offer the same program, how does this organization do it differently, or help us understand the need that exists in the community for this program to receive funding.
If you can, share a story or anecdote that speaks to the impact of the program from the perspective of an individual/family or the animals in its care.
What other sources of funding does the organization receive (i.e. how needy is the organization)? Be prepared to answer questions about the operational budget and funding. ​
Describe your personal interactions with the organization or how you learned of the organization.