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Our Chapter of 100 Women

200 women and continuing to grow!

Our chapter started as a group of seven women.  With a lot of determination and a willing community of women who shared a common purpose to make a difference, our inaugural meeting was held on September 25, 2017 with100+ women.  We raised over $10,000 in just one hour! 

Foundational goals of our chapter:


Education - to develop a deeper understanding of the prevailing needs within our communities, and a greater awareness of the charities that are responding to these needs through service and support;

Collective Impact - by donating as a collective of women, we strengthen the value and impact of our donation to fund meaningful projects within our communities; and,

Community Building - to make space for connection among women who care deeply about their communities and who are committed to joining together, four times per year, to empower, inspire, learn, and to give financially, with an open heart and with gratitude.​


From our September 25, 2024 Meeting

In March 2023 we asked members within our chapter of 100+ Women Who Care to "describe in one word, how it feels for you personally to be part of this group and to know the difference we are making for good in our community".  Here are the responses.  The larger the word, the greater number of times that feeling was mentioned by several members.

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We are proud that our initiative generated enough interest in our community for a chapter of 100 Men Who Care to launch in January 2018 - 

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